Get professional
eye health help
There is a long list of eye conditions for which there are common effective eye treatments. At Black Gates Optometrists, our dispensing opticians, and qualified optometrists are the perfect people to give you specialist, current advice at our eye clinic. Would you like to know what treatment options are available? We can help you.
With our expert health resources, you will get current information about symptoms, treatments and expert knowledge in regards to common eye conditions such as:
- Lazy eye (amblyopia)
- Astigmatism
- Atropine treatment for myopia
- Cataracts
- Convergence insufficiency
- Dry eye
- Glaucoma
- Migraines and headaches
- Long sightedness (hyperopia)
- Keratoconus
- Macular degeneration
- Meibomian gland dysfunction
- Uncomfortable eyes
- Ortho-k (orthokeratology) – to reshape the corneal surface
- Presbyopia
- Pterygium
- Retinal detachment
- Strabismus
- Spots, floaters and flashes