Vivid Vision Virtual Reality Vision Training
What is Vivid Vision?
Vivid Vision is the first Virtual Reality Vision Therapy system created for treatment of binocular vision problems. This ability to combine engaging game play with high level, adaptive visual stimuli provides a powerful platform for testing and treating visual system disorders. Using the latest vision research principles, Vivid Vision is a part of our vision therapy treatment program for Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), Strabismus (Eye Turn), depth perception, suppression and more!
How Does Vivid Vision work?
Our team of professional optometrists have been following the potential use of technology in vision training for a long time. Vivid Vision uses the Oculus Rift virtual reality platform to provide therapeutic activities which allows us to incorporate fun virtual reality experiences into the vision therapy program that accelerate progress. The activities are designed as games so that they are immersive and exciting. The more fun the games are, the more engaged the patient is and the faster the treatment success.
Is Vivid Vision better?
- Yes, alternatives like free space vision training can be monotonous and boring.
- The novelty and fun means children (and adults) stay motivated and get ongoing eye health benefits.
- The virtual reality images are specifically constructed to be selective about the visual information that each eye receives giving us unprecedented control over how the system works.